SGC Learning provides reliable, secure and thorough testing services which maintain the integrity of the testing process and help individuals and organizations achieve standardized benchmarking.

user-friendly data banking system, reliable high-volume internet testing, or a complete outsourcing of a high-stakes exam, we craft solutions that directly impact your success.

A ‘not-only-for-profit’, multifaceted skill assessment social Enterprise registered with Ministry of Commerce Affairs, Government of India, under Section 8 of The Companies Act, 2013 and fully owned subsidiary or SG Creations OPC Pvt. Ltd. We understand that finding the right talent is the overarching initiative that supports organizational growth and stability so do we seek to assess minimum competencies and validate professional credentials through rigorous test development and delivery processes.

The tests so designed are used by individuals for checking their academic quotient and measuring their skills for employability and corporate customers for pre-recruitment and employee assessments. SGC Learning is working closely with the central government and various state governments to help implement their skill development initiatives and in the alignment of education with vocational skills... sgclearn


We live and breathe the philosophy that people matter and results count

 Our Vision:

Envisioned to be credible in building a better India by “Bench Marking the Skills” and achieving the quality assessments.

 Our Mission:

Recognize people for their individual skills and knowledge and harness their potential for a symbiotic association thus, contributing at every step taken to be Skilled India Developed India.